How do I contact De Beers?

To contact De Beers in South Africa, you can use the following contact details:

  1. Phone: De Beers Group has a South African office that you can contact by phone at +27 11 374 7000. This number can be used for general enquiries or to reach specific departments within the company.
  2. Email: You can send an email to De Beers Group at the following address: This email address is intended for general enquiries and may not be the best option for specific or urgent matters.
  3. Postal Mail: If you prefer to send a letter, you can address it to De Beers Group at the following address: De Beers Group P.O. Box 61587 Marshalltown 2107 South Africa
  4. Social Media: De Beers Group is active on several social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. You can send a message or post a comment to their social media accounts to get in touch with the company.

It’s important to note that the contact options may vary depending on the nature of your enquiry, so it’s best to check the De Beers website or contact their customer service department for more specific information.

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