What are the top paying jobs at DHL?

How much do people at DHL get paid? See the latest salaries by department and job title. The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at DHL is $129,743, or $62 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $122,065, or $58 per hour.

At DHL, the highest paid job is a Director of Sales at $226,787 annually and the lowest is a Sales Associate at $32,500 annually. Average DHL salaries by department include: Customer Support at $70,324, Design at $122,991, Sales at $156,621, and Product at $161,688. Half of DHL salaries are above $122,065.

Below are some good paying positions of DHL in South Africa.

Job TitleRangeAverage
Strategic Sourcing ManagerRange:R187k – R1m (Estimated *)Average:R554,732
Solutions ArchitectRange:R194k – R912k (Estimated *)Average:R520,158
Receiving ClerkRange:R63k – R136k (Estimated *)Average:R93,075
Operations ManagerRange:R97k – R766k (Estimated *)Average:R337,908

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